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Either Way

Either Way

I arrived at Maplewood Park at exactly 8:54 that was four minutes later then when Cassie and I had planned to meet but I knew I was still there ten minutes before she would arrive. Cassie was perpetually late and I swallowed my annoyance like cough syrup with a grimace but with the knowledge it was for the best. 


“Erica!” Cassie eventually headed toward me with a wide smile. At least I assumed she was smiling widely because Cassie was always smiling. I could not see for myself because she was bundled up in a bright red scarf. I recognized it as one she had borrowed from me and never given back. 


She pulled it away from her lips only after pulling me in for a hug. “So Coffee. But the Tim’s on Riverside or Main Street? Because I have a theory.” 


I didn't even try to stop what I knew was coming just sat back down on the park bench and nodded for Cassie to explain. Not that she ever needed my permission.


“You see I’ve done research I have a â…“ chance of winning at Riverside and a ¼ chance of winning at Main Street.” 


“Cassie, what are you talking about?”


“Roll up the rim to win! The contest. I have probably drank twenty cups of coffee since the contest started and I haven't won anything.” 


I felt a smile on my face twitch like a traitor. When Cassie got excited about something she went all in. 


“Ok so better odds of winning at Riverside lets go there.” I said thinking it was obvious. 




“Alright.” I said needing to end this before it dragged on forever. “Why not?” 


“Because most of the Riverside wins are small prizes like a free coffee. Only 10% are good prizes. At Main Street 30% of wins are good prizes!” 


“So its a higher chance of winning or a higher chance of winning a better prize.” 


“Exactly.” Cassie beamed at me and some of the numbness the cold had given me seemed to fade. “So.” She repeated her earlier question “Riverside or Main Street?”


I was struck with the realization that this was not rhetorical. Cassie wanted my opinion. She hopped up from the bench bouncing on her feet. 


The better odds or the gamble with the better prize?


Riverside or Main Street? 

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